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UAS Specialists Training

Instructors of the Training Center "Aviator" conducted training for employees of the State Budgetary Institution of the Kaliningrad Region "Center for Cadastral Valuation and Monitoring of Real Estate" (hereinafter - the SBI KR "TsKOIMN") under the program of initial training for specialists in the operation of unmanned aerial systems (hereinafter - UAS). The training consisted of the theoretical and practical training in UAS application for cadastral specialists.

Both in the theoretical and in the practical part of the training, the main emphasis was in ensuring the safety of the airspace use when launching unmanned aerial vehicles (hereinafter referred to as UAVs). Legislative aspects and real experience in the UAS application, which include UAVs with a maximum take-off weight of 30 kg or less, were considered.

In the theoretical part of the training of the SBI KR "TsKOIMN" specialists, the legislative framework and restrictions regarding the use of UAS for the purpose of performing aviation work were considered in detail. The practical part included launch of aircraft-type and multirotor-type UAVs with preliminary preparation of a flight program, as well as obtaining a local regime for the use of airspace (involving the preparation and submission of documents to the ATM authorities and interaction with them in order to obtain permission to use the airspace).

This topic is especially relevant in the light of the requirements as approved by order of Mintrans of Russia, dated November 19, 2020 No. 494 "On Approval of the Federal Aviation Rules" Requirements for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs performing aviation work included in the list of aviation works that provide for obtaining a document confirming compliance requirements of federal aviation regulations of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur. The form and procedure for issuing a document (operator's certificate) confirming the compliance of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur with the requirements of federal aviation regulations. The procedure for suspension of validity, introduction of restrictions into operation and cancellation of the air operator certificate" (FAR-494), which entered into force on March 01, 2022.

Even though aviation training centres, aeronautical organizations and other professionals involved in the operation of UAS are still waiting far clarification of the legal and regulatory requirements related to the use of UAS in Russia, our training center is ready to offer a short course/consultation on the relevant regulatory aspects.

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